You can contact Employment Standards to discuss your concerns. You can also file a complaint. There is no charge for talking to Employment Standards or filing a complaint.
You can make a Formal Complaint to deal with something your employer has done. This kind of complaint may be filed while you are still working for your employer or after you leave the job. A formal complaint form must be used to claim unpaid wages. If you think your employer has discriminated against you or has not lived up to employment standards, you can also file a formal complaint.
If your complaint does not involve unpaid wages, you may choose to make a complaint and have your name kept private. You include your name when you make the complaint but no one, including your employer and other employees, will be told that you made the complaint. You might choose this type of complaint if you are still working for the employer. If you make this kind of complaint, Employment Standards will focus on addressing and correcting employment standards for the future.
For every complaint, it is important to include evidence that supports your claim. This could be things like pay stubs or records of hours worked. Employment Standards will investigate any complaints. They may need more information from you. They can talk to the employer and other employees. They may also look at records.
If employment standards have not been met action can be taken. If a formal complaint has been made, Employment Standards can order your employer to pay any wages owed. In other cases information and education about employment standards may be offered.