Do I have to pay to go to a hospital or see a doctor?
Most medical treatment is provided free of charge if you have a Saskatchewan Health Services Card. You will need to show your card if you need medical treatment. Any medically necessary treatment provided by a doctor, in or out of the hospital, is covered. Some other services are also covered, such as the flu vaccine.
Prescriptions are not covered in most cases. Dental services are only covered in some limited cases. For example, some oral surgery procedures that are required following an accident or infection may be covered. You can ask if a service is covered before you are treated.
How can I find a doctor?
The Saskatchewan Health Authority has a list of healthcare providers that are accepting patients here: Providers Accepting Patients.
What if I am not sure if I need to see a doctor?
You can call the free HealthLine by dialing 8-1-1 at any time of the day or night. They can help you decide if you need to go to the hospital, see a doctor or if you can just care for yourself at home. Information is available in Arabic and more than 100 other languages.
Who can get a Saskatchewan Health Services Card?
You must be a resident of Saskatchewan. You must be legally entitled to stay in Canada. If you are a permanent resident and you moved to Saskatchewan within two months of arriving in Canada, you can be covered from the day you arrive here. In other cases you may not be covered for about two months. Normally your home province will provide coverage until your Saskatchewan coverage takes effect.
How do I get a Saskatchewan Health Services Card?
You must apply to Saskatchewan Health. You should apply as soon as you arrive in Saskatchewan. You can apply online or fill out a paper application and mail it in. There is no cost to apply. You must prove you are a resident and legally entitled to be in Canada. You must also prove your identity.
You can prove you live in Saskatchewan with things like your rental agreement, utility bill or employer record. You can prove you are living in Canada legally with a Confirmation of Permanent Residence Document or Canadian Immigration Identification Card. You can prove your identity with a passport, birth certificate or Employee ID. You will need copies of these documents for your application.
Who can use my Saskatchewan Health Card?
You are the only one who can use it. Every member of your family needs their own card. You can complete the application for yourself, your spouse or partner and any children under 18 living with you. Children 18 or older need to fill out their own application, even if they are still living with you.
My child has received some vaccines but I am not sure if more are needed. What should I do?
Saskatchewan offers free routine vaccines, sometimes called immunizations, for both children and adults. It is a good idea to look into the types of vaccines offered and when they are given. Routine vaccinations may be different here. The Saskatchewan Health Authority has information about children's immunizations. Make an appointment and bring any vaccine documentation you have. If your child has missed vaccines they will create a catch-up schedule. If your child is up-to-date, they will tell you when to bring your child in for their next vaccine. If your child is school-age, they will receive their scheduled vaccines at school. The school will send home a permission slip and information about the vaccine.