At What Age Can I?
Drive a Car or a Motorcycle
You must be at least 16 and have a driver’s licence. 15-year-olds can drive with a supervising adult if they have taken a driver training course in school and received their Learner’s licence.
Drive an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV)
You must have a driver’s licence and be at least 16. There are some exceptions. For example, young people aged 12 – 15 can drive an ATV if they have completed a safety course and are supervised by someone who has had a driver’s licence for at least a year.
Drive a Motor Boat
There is no minimum age to drive a boat. However, everyone, regardless of their age, must pass a boat safety course and get their boating licence before they can drive a boat. Young people under 16 are also restricted to smaller boats and motors.
Drive a Snowmobile
Generally, you must be at least 16. You must also have completed a safety course. Young people 12 -15 can drive a snowmobile if they have completed the safety course and are supervised by someone who has a driver’s licence.
Stay Home Alone
There is no set age. Whether it is safe will depend on things like how old the children are, how long they will be left and the activities they are doing.
There is no set age for babysitting. It is up to parents to make sure their children are properly looked after. Organizations such as the Red Cross, St. John Ambulance and the Saskatchewan Safety Council may offer babysitting courses in your community.
Start Working
In most cases you must be at least 16 to start working. 14 and 15 year olds can work under certain conditions. For example, they need their parents’ consent. There are also restrictions on the number of hours they can work and when they can work.
There is no minimum age for some casual jobs, like delivering newspapers or babysitting. For other jobs, such as mining, you must be at least 18.
Receive Minimum Wage
Most employees must be paid at least minimum wage regardless of their age. Casual workers, such as babysitters, do not have to be paid minimum wage.
Pay Income Tax
There is no minimum age. Whether income tax needs to be paid depends on how much money you make in a year.
Buy Alcohol
You must be at least 19 years old to buy alcohol.
Drink Alcohol
Generally, you must be 19 years old to drink alcohol. However, parents can serve alcohol to their own children in a private place, such as their home, before they are 19.
Buy Cigarettes
You must be at least 19 years old to buy cigarettes.
You must be at least 18 to gamble or be in a casino. Gambling includes buying a lottery ticket or using an electronic gaming device.
Quit School
Children must stay in school until they are at least 16 years old.
Receive Medical Treatment without Parents' Consent
Adults 18 and over can consent to medical treatment. Younger individuals may be able to consent depending on their age, maturity and ability. At age 16 many young people may be considered capable of making their own health care decisions. If you consent to your own treatment your doctor must keep your information private, even from your parents.
Get a Body Piercing or Tattoo
Individuals under 18 may need permission from a parent. Different businesses may have different rules.
Use a Sunbed
You must be at least 18 unless there is a medical reason you need sunlight therapy.
Donate Blood
You must be at least 17 to donate blood.
Have Sex
You must be at least 16 to legally consent to sex. There are, however, exceptions for people who are under 16 if they are having sex with someone close in age. Close in age means less than 2 years older if they are 12 or 13 and less than 5 years older of they are 14 or 15. Having sex with someone who is too young to legally consent is considered a sexual assault, even if they agreed to the sexual activity.
Get Married
You must be at least 18 to get married. 16 and 17 year olds can marry with their parents' consent.
Be Charged with a Crime
Children under 12 cannot be charged with a crime. Children aged 12-17 can be charged with a crime but special rules apply to them.
Testify in Court
There is no set age. Witnesses over the age of 14 must generally take an oath or solemnly affirm to tell the truth. Anyone under the age of 14 may give evidence if they are able to understand and respond to questions. Before testifying they must promise to tell the truth.
Be on a Jury
You must be at least 18 to serve on a jury.
Vote in an Election
You must be at least 18 to vote.
Stand for Election
You must be 18 to stand for election.
Enter into a Contract
A contract is a legal agreement between two people. Common examples would be a contract to purchase something or to receive services. Generally you must be at least 18 to enter into a contract. People under 18 can only contract for necessities. This means a contract for things like food and shelter.
Write a Will
A Will is a document that sets out how you want your property to be distributed after your death. You must be 18 to create a Will.
Agree to be Adopted
The consent of the child is needed if the child is 12 years old or older.
Decide which Parent to Live with
There is no set age. If the court is asked to decide this, they will consider the child’s wishes but it will not be the deciding factor.
Be Supported by Parents
Parents must generally support their children until they are 18 years old. In some cases parents may be responsible for supporting a child over 18. Examples include when a child is going to school full time or otherwise unable to work.
Be Physically Disciplined by my Parents
Children age 2–12 may be physically disciplined by a parent. However, there are limits on what type of physical discipline can be used. Corrective measures must be reasonable and cannot involve the use objects like a belt or stick. The discipline cannot be harmful to the child, for example leave cuts or bruises. It is never okay to hit a child in the face or on the head.
Leave Home
Parents are responsible for their children until they are 18. Children under 16 who leave home without their parent’s consent may be returned home.
Receive Social Services
In most cases you must be 18. Support services may be provided to youth who are 16 or 17 in some situations such as when it is not safe for them to live at home.
Change my Name
You must be at least 18 to legally change your name, unless you are married or in a common law relationship. If you are 14 or older, your parent or guardian must have your consent to apply to change your name.
Apply for a Passport
You must be 16 or older to apply for your own passport.
Travel on a Plane by Myself
Different airlines have different rules about this. Generally, an adult must accompany children under 8. Youth age 8-11 may be able to travel under supervision of the airline.